We held a safety prayer festival at the start of construction of the electricity supply business using solar power generation equipment at UACJ (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, "UATH") Rayong Factory.
In this project, we will install solar power generation panels (output 18,000 kW, about 40,000 sheets) on the roof of the UATH Rayong factory and supply the generated electricity to the factory. By implementing this project, UATH expects to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 14,000 tons * 1 annually.
To reduce the environmental burden of UATH, we will proceed with the project with safety first.
Introduction of the world's largest roof-mounted solar power generation system by "UACJ (Thailand)" and "Kansai Energy Solutions (Thailand)" (kepco.co.jp)
* 1 Calculated using the value published by the Thai government CO2 emission factor (0.566kg -CO2 / kWh)